January VHF Contest

Posted on January 18, 2017 by Chris Lumens in .

This weekend, January 21 and 22, WA1TE and I will be operating in the January VHF contest under the call sign of K1SIG. I’ll be operating on 6m, he’ll be operating on 2m, and we’ll likely be taking turns manning the 1.25m and 70cm station. We’ve got some reasonable beams on all those bands and reasonable power on 6m and 2m. With any luck, we’ll have an amp running on one of the other two.

We’ll be operating from my house, which is a poor location, but we are still hopeful to make a lot of contacts. My goal is to beat our previous January score of 1222 points, which should not be too difficult. If you hear us calling, please respond. We will primarily be on SSB but can probably limp through some CW contacts and hopefully some meteor scatter in the evenings.