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Long Trail Gear - August 1, 2017
I’m now just a few days away from my Long Trail trip. I’ve finally gotten all my gear together so this seems like a good time to do a quick post showing what I’m taking. I spent the past several years refining my backpacking gear. This year I also spent quite a bit of time figuring out what to replace and what to just not carry to lighten the pack weight. Currently without food and water (but with radio), I am looking at just under 18 pounds. I was hoping to be lighter, but it always tends to get heavy at the last minute.
Long Trail Food - July 13, 2017
It’s under a month to go before my big hike, so I thought I should talk about my food choices a bit. I’m planning on hiking for nine days with a resupply on day four. On past trips I have used a lot of dehydrated food, but this time I am planning on going stoveless and only using cold water to rehydrate things.
Long Trail SOTA - June 26, 2017
Part of the purpose of my Long Trail backpacking trip this year is to use my radio on a lot of summits. It’s partially a regular backpacking trip and partially a SOTA expedition. If you’re not interested in amateur radio from mountains, this is probably going to be a pretty boring post. You might want to move on.
Backpacking the Long Trail - June 22, 2017
Starting on August 5, I am planning on spending nine days hiking the northernmost portion of the Long Trail. I will be starting on Saturday at the Canadian border and hiking as far south as I can by the following Sunday. My goal is the summit of Mount Ellen (which I have hiked to from the south before), with a backup of Appalachian Gap if I can’t make it all the way.
A Month of Haskell, Day 10 - String Types - May 19, 2017
Strings are one of the most basic types we deal with when programming, and yet languages typically do a very poor job with them. Haskell doesn’t exactly excell with string handling but it does a pretty good job. Unfortunately, it also has at least three different string types for you to choose among.
A Month of Haskell, Day 9 - Monoid and Bifunctor - May 17, 2017
I’ve got two more exciting type classes to discuss today. As usual, the internet is full of overly complicated descriptions for what are really very simple concepts. Don’t go look at wikipedia if you want to understand what’s going on. We’re going to talk about Monoid, in the Data.Monoid module, and Bifunctor in the Data.Bifunctor module.
2017 New England QSO Party - May 16, 2017
Back on May 6 and May 7 was the New England QSO Party, a radio contest where the object is for New England stations to make contacts with as many people as possible, or for non-New England stations to make contacts with as many New England stations as possible. Along with Sean (WA1TE) and David (WH6DSN), I operated from a rented house in Springfield, VT under our K1SIG club callsign.
A Month of Haskell, Day 8 - Heterogeneous Lists - May 15, 2017
I previously talked about type classes and class constraints. Today I’d like to talk about something occassionally useful you can do with these two concepts - make lists that can hold more than one type.
A Month of Haskell, Day 7 - Type Classes - May 11, 2017
I’ve mentioned type classes on day 2, day 5, day 6, and day 7. I didn’t intend to aim this series at people just starting with Haskell, but type classes are such a fundamental concept and so central to the language that I need to write about them before I go too much farther.
A Month of Haskell, Day 6 - Text.Printf - May 10, 2017
Here’s a quick one for the sixth entry in this series. The Text.Printf module won’t completely change how you program, but it’s an extremely useful module that needs to be more well known. Because it’s part of the base system, you don’t need to install anything to make use of it.